helping women entrepreneurs & executives gain the clarity & confidence they desire in order to expand their businesses, evolve their mindsets, and create relationships that thrive.


You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.


You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.


You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.

You deserve to have it all and do it your way.


  • Create YOUR Unique Success Formula in order to build your business your way
  • Optimize your Product Offering Suite for PROFITABILITY, SATISFACTION, & SUCCESS
  • Develop a STRATEGY to implement immediate changes to the EFFICIENCY, PRODUCTIVITY, and PROFICIENCY of your business
  • Build systems for DELEGATION & AUTOMATION in your business so that you can RECLAIM your time and your PLEASURE

Greetings & Thanks for stopping by!

I am currently building a new internet home that better reflects how I can serve you. In the meantime....

My passion & pleasure is self-awareness....

Small Call to Action Headline

The first step to transformation is the choice to ACT!

Grab your FREE copy of my e-workbook, How to Get Sh*t Done, to learn the top 5 reasons you are stuck PLUS easy tools and techniques to get into action quickly!!

Leadership & Life Design Strategist for women entrepreneurs & executives who want to have the clarity & confidence they need to expand their businesses, evolve their mindsets, and create relationships that thrive.


Home Base: Atlanta, GA


Call: 678-965-0501

Text Community: 404-777-4012


Meet Our Spesialists

We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them. We interview every potential partner in person before we agree to work with them, as well as carrying out rigorous background checks.

Clinical Psyhologist

Consultant Psychiatrist

Leading Neurologist


What Our Clients Say

“I found the staff professional and kind, explaining the process to me every step of the way. I understand myself more clearly now and have begun to make positive changes in my life. There was such a high level of customer service.”

Kate Moriss

Clinical Neurology

“I found the staff professional and kind, explaining the process to me every step of the way. I understand myself more clearly now and have begun to make positive changes in my life. There was such a high level of customer service.”

John Nickelson

Founder IT Hub


Find Us on a Map

We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them. We interview every potential partner in person before we agree to work with them, as well as carrying out rigorous background checks.

455 Wallstreet St., NY, USA

© 2021 The Intentional Goddess. All Rights Reserved.